

by Artie Breakfast

Tuesday I fixed something that's been bugging me for a bit; I made the st terminal that I use (very lightweight, but fully functional xterm replacement) have cycling colorschemes. There's a patch for solarized that lets you swap between light and dark; but I don't use light solarized (ever) and I find that sometimes having a terminal of a different color helps to separate it's function. Also, some programs haven't been set for 256 or truecolor mode and others have; and sometimes those colors just ... don't work well with solarized. So I went and fixed it, which required delving back into C, which I haven't touched for some time. Got that done, and am happily using it on multiple machines.

Back then to blitter stuff, which - I have a working routine but I'm struggling to modify it for various things, mainly dealing with the modulo. Due to the Amiga blitter not being a bit blitter, it's neccesary to think in words, bytes, AND pixels to do the blit, and ... well at the moment things don't add up. Still. I have it working but I don't understand why and that's neccesary for writing proper code. (The 'why' is because the numbers don't add up. But they display. But testing reveals it may NOT be what I am thinking.)

Also made a list of 'todo' things for projects about the place and have begun checking some of them off.

Artie Breakfast commented

I should also look into rust or similar, as the debugging of C was a bit wonky, and while I like python it's not the best thing for system code. "Similar" would NOT be Java, C#, C++. C++ would just continue the C debug issues, C# has too much Windows cruft and fuck that, and Java is an abomination that I have had the displeasure of having to clean up afterward FAR too many times. Fuck that.

Not sure on Go, it seems very... I don't know I looked at it and felt is was too "needs a ton of shit for it to actually run" and - I want "executable that runs without dependencies."

If I'm gonna do dependencies, I've got Python already.

on Mon May 01 2017 21:33:08 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Artie Breakfast commented

the msx pallette doodle is some stuff which has to do with the C code.

on Mon May 01 2017 21:33:36 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Artie Breakfast commented

(course I could just use lua, I mean... I did at one point put the lua interpreter inside ST, but decided to not go that way as I didn't need to write a structure parser for the color structure so lua could modify it - I already HAD that structure in an array and I just needed the array to get worked with, and so I debugged the issue instead. Which led to 'why is gdb refusing to let me see the data that it knows about, yes it's optimized but IT KNOWS IT BECAUSE THE COLOR CHANGED. ) I'll give this more thought later, and probably stick to lua.

on Mon May 01 2017 21:38:54 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Artie Breakfast commented

2*width, not width.

Not sure where this 2width comes from, probably the byte vs word bit, but: when calculating with 2width and NOT width: things work.

Finally found document saying 2*width which ... fit the calculation I'd written up which was leaving me with much confusion where the ... well in this case 32 pixels... went. now it works and I can ... adjust dox and deal with masking and shifts.

on Mon May 01 2017 22:47:22 GMT-0400 (EDT)