by Artie Breakfast
This week I've been dealing with getting paid and broken disks.
My knowledge of das u-boot for booting is much more now and I can script it - it seems it uses the syslinux config language if it finds a extlinux.conf, so that's easier (and I don't know why people aren't using that, but ... probably due to not really understanding systems and just making a desktop work. ) And then the reinstall to another disk, and rebuilding, and doing some things with ansible. Basically nothing exciting to report here, just bog-standard fixing of systems which is basically what I do for a living. Just this time it is ARM based, not Intel based.
Also the audio thing that I've been messing with (mopidy) for streaming has once again broken on the pi, so I've been messing with that and uade to play mods. At this point it looks like, since void linux does not currently have gstreamer python bindings that are of the 1.0 version, I'll have to build that completely from scratch. Which I honestly don't want to do right now, I want to move on and do some other bits.
So basically this week was mass b0rkage and repair.
The D doodle is somewhat based off of a render from everydays. As always it's hand done. And MSX pallette, which again has a very ... I'm going to have to do something to find how to do a dark/light gradient, most everything seems very flat in the light/dark contrast space.
Felor said he has quite a few colors for his pico-8 demo for the upcoming party, so I had better get on that and have something (:
Last Edited on Wed Oct 26 2016 03:15:57 GMT-0400 (EDT)