Same thing different day

Same thing different day

by Zach Harvest

This week I was still a little jaded which TOTALLY helps with creativity. Any way. I worked on my ship scene making little tweaks and re-rendering. They might all look similar but I did change things and then I changed some back. Not all changes are good changes and sometimes you waste a dick ton of time doing that but that’s Okay! I might get pissed of at a lot of things when working with blender, but reverting changes never phased me. It’s just learning, that’s all.

I also dropped a cloth on the back ship to kind of hide it and I spend DAYS on this. The ships armor plating is very sharp and jagged which I think is what really did the cloth sim in. Fun fact, higher cloth resolution can also yield a shit result interestingly. I had figured the opposite would happen but I guess not. Another Blender blunder is how you have to work with cloth in blender. You can’t do ANYTHING in blender when you get into the higher resolution cloths. It just locks it up to the point where you can’t even stop the simulation. It’s beyond frustrating and really gets under your skin considering how long you have to work with cloth to make it look good. My final result is nothing great looking because I couldn’t get a high enough resolution that wouldn’t eat shit on the model. There aren’t too many setting to adjust when working with cloth and I have spent weeks working with it in the past so I figured I could just nail it. Blender had other plans and I spent the majority of my week failing. This is fine because I learned a lot that I plan on using next week on a side project from my main piece.