by Artie Breakfast
So in review of the week, the majority of the time I spent on things went into various items dealing with reaquiring a former job (which happened, though not fulltime for now, but soon.) This eliminates a major concern of "hmm how am I paying for rent and stuff." Unfortunately that meeting got rescheduled 3 days in a row, so that sort of messed up timelines for doing things.
I did, however, get a number of things accomplished with the pi projects, but nothing creative; mostly just getting them set up to BE creative (and trying to get them to boot without the need for an SD card.) That's more in line with "work" though, as is the 'going to the data center to sort out broken machines and a network issue." The data center is 3 hours away, so that's a 6 hour period in the car, plus the 12+ hours in the data center. That was spent not being at Evoke, which ... well I'd rather have been at Evoke.
That said, I did manage to do something creative this past week, and that was an entry for Evoke. It's an ascii entry, and I'm actually ok with it. I spent perhaps 3 hours on it, and I did use a different technique - normally I am very | / _ \ ( ) . : ; j l heavy. This time, I stayed away from / \ - and instead used ',` to make angles, with some | : . thrown in there. I was actually able to recreate the thing I was attempting to, which ... normally doesn't happen as I get frustrated.
That said: I need to get asciiarena up and running, because right now, there isn't a good way to link to the piece.
Also, this coming week, I must work on Amiga, and not ascii.
Yes, slow start, but hey, I did do something creative this week.
And I just found out you can't add images later, which ... I'll just get on fixing that this week (:
Last Edited on Mon Aug 15 2016 16:10:05 GMT-0400 (EDT)
'Another visitor, stay a while STAAAY FOREVER' Welcome aboard dude, looking forward to next week's post :)
on Tue Aug 16 2016 03:20:35 GMT-0400 (EDT)