

by ferris

This week I finished a bunch more demotool stuff, including project loading! To celebrate I sat down to actually do something visual. The tool helped mainly due to live reload stuff; I didn't really use the UI besides switching out texture files in this case since it's not quite ready for that yet, but I just wanted to actually use this for something.

Basically it's raymarching (because it's SO fast to come up with stuff using that technique!) with a couple lights, some basic vignette etc, and shit tons of post in photoshop. It also aliases like fuck, but hey, I did this in a few hours with the tool so I'm pretty happy about it :)

Expect more visual stuff in the coming weeks for sure!

bau5 commented

That must be super satisfying that you can use your tool yourself now to do shit! Also probably really helps you get a feel for the flow of the program and where it lacks functionality or excels. Seriously been such a cool project! Also it's cool to see it turn into something significant this time!

on Mon May 02 2016 11:31:54 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Zach Harvest commented

I can't wait to realtime in this bitch.

on Mon May 02 2016 16:47:10 GMT-0400 (EDT)